
Developing a sustainable agro-industry, a vital issue for the continent that harbours a huge diversity of climatic conditions that promote a wide range of agricultural productions ranging from processing and marketing to also offering youth and women to get involved in rural areas.
Agriculture has a huge importance for several major development goals in Africa. This sector is primarily a means to create jobs. In order to integrate the nearly 11 million of young people who enter the African labour market every year. The modernisation of agriculture is creating a large number of specialised jobs that are particularly suited to well-trained young people.
Therefore, we must ensure that agriculture is no longer considered as a low-paying and exhausting activity, but a profitable, modern and respectable business.
However, we still have to make many efforts to make agriculture more profitable and sustainable. The true evolution of African agriculture is not just about improving seed quality and using more fertiliser, but also improving access to finance, sustainably managing natural resources, and creating an enabling environment for small farmers to grow and flourish with the support of strong institutions. It requires greater investment in research and innovation to ensure that agricultural growth doesn’t come from land expansion, but from increased productivity.
Africa’s economic and social development requires substantial investment in agricultural production capacity and storage, transport and processing infrastructure.